Find your path.
Hi, I’m Pam!
Life coach, school counselor, and former real estate broker. Also wife, stepmother, and lifelong learner.
My own life story didn’t follow the path I envisioned. I faced twists and turns on the road to achieving my goals. If there’s one thing I’ve learned along the way (sometimes the hard way), it’s this: When you are truly aligned with who you are and what you want, what you want is possible.
I invite you to read my story below, to understand why I’m so passionate about helping you follow the clues in your own life to reach your goals.
Pamela B. Burke, M.Ed. is a certified Martha Beck Wayfinder life coach. She is also a certified school counselor and provider of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. She lives in Florida with her husband, Michael, with whom she is proud stepmother of three great kids and one adorable grandbaby.
My story
I couldn’t understand what was wrong.
After a long career in real estate, then shifting careers in my 40s to become a high school counselor, my husband, Michael, had encouraged me to leave behind “the working world” and relocate to Florida to be closer to my parents. I have always loved work, but I agreed I was ready to relax. Soon, there I was, living the dream! Sunshine, golf, rum punches, cruising in our boat. I had an amazing relationship, my parents nearby. Why did I have the nagging feeling something wasn’t right?
Having it all together is not important. What matters is that by being together, we have it all.
The move had been a big change. I felt at sea without the lifelong network of family, friends, and colleagues I’d left behind in my small community on Cape Cod. But I had made big changes before. I'd navigated career transitions, earned my degrees while working full time, reinvented my future after the end of my first marriage, and found love again in a “ready made” family of five. I love adventure and change. Why was I finding this new chapter so hard?
I felt at sea without the lifelong network of family, friends, and colleagues I’d left behind in my small community on Cape Cod.
One morning, facing another day of leisure, I burst into tears. I couldn't keep denying it. Retirement was making me miserable! I longed for a routine, a sense of purpose. When I finished crying (this took a while), I knew my new lifestyle wasn’t the right fit. It was fun, but I missed the feeling of helping others.
I decided I’d look for a part-time position as a counselor at an elementary school. Without my old connections or any contacts in my new state, I found the perfect fit at a wonderful school. (Remember, when you are truly aligned with who you are and what you want, what you want is possible.)
More recently, I found myself at another new crossroads. My school job had given me a regained purpose and sense of community, and after six years, I felt I had more to share. I also wanted greater flexibility to spend time with my aging parents. I wasn’t sure what my next step would be, but once again, I listened to my heart … and discovered life coaching. It was a career that I had never thought of, and yet one I had been doing all along.
I wanted greater flexibility to spend time with my aging parents.
In real estate, I helped empty nesters clarify their vision for the next chapter of their lives to find the right home. As a high school counselor, I worked with teenagers to navigate a tumultuous life phase as they planned for their futures. And as a school counselor in elementary and middle school, I found that I not only loved working with younger children but also finding ways to support teachers and parents as well. As a life coach, I’m able to bring all of my skills together to help individuals in transition, parents and children and still have time to help my parents!
Through life coaching, you may find patterns you never noticed,
or even discover clues that were right there all along.
If you’re feeling stuck, second-guessing your goals, doubting your decisions, or wishing for a more purposeful path, life coaching can be a powerful change agent. I’ll work with you to help figure out where you’re “off track” or stuck, and find your way forward. The process is enlightening and even fun. You may find patterns you never noticed, or even discover clues that were right there all along.
Ready to take the leap, or simply curious? Let’s set up a free 30-minute personal consultation to talk about how we might work together and whether life coaching is right for you.
About you!
You might be the kind of person who likes to take a walk on the beach or in the woods when faced with a tough challenge or difficult problem.
My clients are often highly capable people, who are feeling frustrated that they can’t “just figure it out” on their own. They have a nagging feeling they need to make a shift in their life. Sometimes it takes an objective listener who is trained to notice the self-messages you might be missing and who can help nudge you in the direction that is beckoning you forward.
Almost like a great walk along the beach, with a little bit of help to guide your way.
“Pam has spent her adult life learning how to help others. As a real estate professional, she learned how to listen carefully, both to what her clients said and what they didn't say, then helping them find the property that would best suit their needs, and solve any problems that got in their way. Then as a new wife in a blended family, learning how to listen and be a great stepmother and figuring out when to step in and when to step away, and particularly how to help them navigate the life passages of figuring out where to go to college, or what to do in "real life." I have watched her helping teens through extremely difficult situations as a high school guidance counselor, with empathy and grace and tenacity. Now as a coach, she's employing all the ways she's learned to listen and help and has added specific skills and techniques. I highly recommend Pam as a coach for people who know they are ready to make changes, but need help in figuring out the what and the how, and need a partner to motivate them to keep going.”
Nancy Hardaway, author of The Awareness Paradigm: A Story of Leadership Success
“Every year I resolve to be a little less of the me I know and leave a little room for the me I could be.”
Wendy Wasserstein