Dive deeper.
Recommended reading, exercises to try at home,
and ideas to share with friends.
Finding Your North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live
Here’s a great book by bestselling author and life coach Martha Beck that can help you get in touch with your core values and the limiting beliefs that may be getting in the way of a more satisfying life. It has helpful exercises to try on your own until you are ready for one-on-one coaching with me.
“9 Secrets to Longevity from the
World’s Blue Zones”
“Blue zones” are areas around the world where people live longer and healthier lives than the average human being. This article introduces you to information about healthy lifestyles … and one of the nine research-based secrets is to Know Your Purpose!
“Achieve with ease”
Program to try at home
These podcasts with Adam Grant are worth the listen! Adam believes that great minds don’t think alike-they challenge each other to think differently. His show explores new thoughts and new ways of thinking.
“Wheel of Life” or “Vision-Goals”
Try these at home! The wheel of life is a great starting point to help you think about balance in your life and identify areas that may be out of alignment. Setting goals by celebrating the past and envisioning the future is another activity you may find helpful. Complete 2025 vision-goals or the wheel of life and then contact me for a free consultation to discuss what stood out for you.