Unlock Hidden Potential
A recent episode of Adam Grant’s podcast, ReThinking, caught my attention. He introduces his new book, Hidden Potential, and interviews Maurice Ashley, a chess Grandmaster. Maurice is the focal point in the beginning of Adam’s book. He showcases how Maurice led an underdog middle school chess team to shatter stereotypes and help them unlock hidden potential.
According to Grant, we often make the error of focusing on starting points when assessing potential. We assume people who stand out right away or that have innate talent are the ones that will succeed. “If we judge people only by what they can do on day one, their potential remains hidden. You can’t tell where people will land from where they begin.” (Grant, Hidden Potential, p. 6).
“If we judge people only by what they can do on day one, their potential remains hidden. You can’t tell where people will land from where they begin.” (Grant, Hidden Potential, p. 6).
Grant has researched character. As a result, he believes that character can be developed and is therefore learnable. He explores how to build the character skills and motivational structures to unlock potential in his book. He believes that values are part of your character, but he has come to see character much more as a matter of skill than will. It’s more than having a set of principles, it’s “a learned capacity to live by your principles.”
Maurice Ashley is a great coach that cultivates character skills. He helped his chess team with understanding and mastery of self. Grant's research showed that “early advantages of cognitive skills dissipate over time . . . and to keep improving, you need proactivity, discipline, and determination to study old games and new strategies.” One way Maurice did this was through scaffolding. He offered initial instruction and then removed the support. “He set up temporary structures to give them opportunity and motivation to learn.” The goal was to shift responsibility to his players who eventually developed their own independent approach to learning.
One way Maurice did this was through scaffolding. He offered initial instruction and then removed the support. “He set up temporary structures to give them opportunity and motivation to learn.”
Over the next few months, I’ll introduce the major concepts from Adam’s book. My hope is that these concepts will provide a framework to challenge your thinking, open up possibilities and help you unlock some of your hidden potential!
Reflection: What is one area in your life you achieved more than you expected? Who helped you along the way? Did you develop your own approach to learning that helped you achieve your goal?
Action: Identify one person you are connected to that has achieved something that is noteworthy. What do you admire about them? Reach out to them and ask them about their journey.