What makes your heart sing?
What are your heart’s deepest desires? Let’s try to discover answers to this very BIG question by getting a better understanding of your values. Russ Harris describes values as “our heart’s deepest desires: how we want to be, what we want to stand for, and how we want to relate to the world around us” as well as “the leading principles that can guide us and motivate us as we move through life.” (Happiness Trap, Pages 167-168).
Keep in mind that values are not the same as goals. A value is a desired direction or a continual process that never reaches an end; whereas a goal is a desired outcome that can be completed or achieved. A value is more like a general direction. You want to head east but no matter how far east you go, you can continue to go further east. Having the satisfaction of living values each step of the way in life is very different than setting a goal, achieving it and moving on to the next goal.
Why are values so important? Because they connect us to our purpose for living. Being clear on your values helps you navigate the challenges that life will present. Very often, when faced with a challenge, we decide that it’s too hard and give up or avoid it. When we are able to connect with our values, it gives us a sense that the hard work will be worth the effort. For example, we may value our health, but don’t feel like eating right or exercising. When we connect with why it’s important to be healthy, it helps us push through those feelings and get motivated to do it anyway.
What are your heart’s deepest desires? Let’s try to discover answers to this very BIG question by getting a better understanding of your values. Russ Harris describes values as “our heart’s deepest desires: how we want to be, what we want to stand for, and how we want to relate to the world around us”
If values are the leading principles to guide and help us move through life, then it’s important to get clear about them. Take some time to complete the simple activity below from the Happiness Trap to get a general idea about your values. Many of my clients will re-evaluate their values during times of transition or different “seasons of life.” If you have a sense that there is something missing or “off” in your life, perhaps you need assistance to clarify or re-define what’s important to you. Please contact me for a free consultation to see if this is something you’d like to work on together!
Reflection: What do you REALLY want? What family stories or role models have influenced your values and/or worldview? How do your values show up in your actions?
Action: Complete this simple exercise to get you started on clarifying your values.
Tool: Values v. Goals