Know Your Purpose: What is your reason for waking up in the morning?
The final lesson from the Blue Zones, “Know Your Purpose,” is one of my favorite topics and an area I often help clients with in coaching. Uncovering the clues to help people get “unstuck” and tap into their unique skills, talents, interests and passions is one of the reasons I wake up in the morning. Another reason I like to wake up in the morning is to enjoy Multi-grain pancakes, which is this month’s plant slant recipe!
The Okinawans refer to it as ikigai, and Nicoyans call it plan de vida, but in both cases the essence translates to knowing your “why,” or “why I wake up in the morning.” A National Institute of Health (NIH) study by Dr. Robert Butler looked at the correlation between having a sense of purpose and longevity. The 11 year study followed highly functioning individuals who expressed a clear goal in life and he discovered that they lived longer and were sharper than those who did not.
Everyone’s sense of purpose is different. For some people it can be seeing their children and grandchildren grow up and others may derive purpose from a job, hobby, career, raising a family or community service. New activities can provide a sense of purpose as well. Learning a language or something novel and complex can provide a sense of accomplishment and growth and purpose that is fresh and new.
Uncovering the clues to help people get “unstuck” and tap into their unique skills, talents, interests and passions is one of the reasons I wake up in the morning. Another reason I like to wake up in the morning is to enjoy Multi-grain pancakes, which is this month’s plant slant recipe!
For me, my purpose relates to utilizing my gifts and talents to live my best life and help others live theirs. Service to others is at the core of my “why” whether it’s coaching, counseling, caregiving, parenting, mentoring, cooking or volunteering. In both my personal and professional life, I want to make a difference. I wake up with gratitude each day by the reality that every day is an opportunity to help others and hopefully make an impact.
Reflection: What is the common thread in your life that makes you feel the most fulfilled? What is your “plan de vida - your reason for waking up in the morning?” In what ways would you like to live a more purposeful life?
Action: Set aside 15 minutes each week over the next few weeks to journal or write out your answer to this month’s reflection question OR reach out to me to work on this together!